Baton Rouge (USA), March 2014. To understand the background of VSH and the techniques for selection, the USDA in Baton Rouge was visited for the second time, this time by Renaud Lavend’Homme and BartJan Fernhout (the first time in 2013 by Ralph Büchler and BartJan Fernhout).
Tom Rinderer, Bob Danka and colleagues shared their knowledge on Varroa Resistance, their VSH program, characteristics of the VSH colonies, Single Drone Insemination, characteristics of Single-Drone colonies and the Genetic Marker development. During this visit, also John Harbo (retired from USDA), the scientist who started the (USDA-) VSH project, also shared his knowledge on the selection of VSH honeybees. Both the USDA as well as John Harbo will continue their support.